Monday, December 29, 2008
It came upon a midnight clear...
I stumbled into this really amazing photo, on It's the number 1 of the top 10 most viewed space photo for the year 2008. Surprisingly, this shot is taken from Manila last Dec 1, 2008. Some big SMILE from the sky huh? maybe because mr. smog gave way for this once in a lifetime sight to see! Way to go Mr. smog!
Here's the link of the TOP 10 space photos of 2008:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My 2008 Christmas Day
Today is Dec 25th 2008, thankfully this non-Christian dominated nation also marks this day as a red letter day. Well it should, since Singapore is also a melting pot of cultures and religion on both Western and Asian.
I woke up early today just to make use of the no-work time I have, first thing I did was to look out the window and took photo of how my 2008 Christmas day looks like and it was like this...
Gray skies...and my room is all a mess from last night's should I say modest celebration.
I do hope mr. sun will be up today...there's nothing like a perfect holiday than a bright blue-skied breezy sunshiny day. That's it for my "happy" 2008 Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Christmas and have A Cool Yule!!!
It's that time of the year again! I can imagine all those excited faces and festive mood going here and there as early as September. Yeah, for sure since the "BER" month stepped in, Megamall, Galleria, Greenhills (Oh! who wouldn't want to miss the night market and the TIANGGE!) has probably been jam-packed with shoppers who either REALLY shop, or for some who just wants to snoop around and if they're lucky, they could buy whatever-it-is they saw "ON SALE" during the payday.
Surprisingly, although not as early as September but when the red and green month took over the calendar, Singaporeans have been busy with their Christmas shopping too! Yeah, for a Non-Christian dominated nation, it is indeed surprising. There's been sale everywhere. From clothing, furniture, fragrance, electronics, etc! And when it's on sale IT IS ON SALE! much much better than Pinas! I mean, we really didn't want to buy anything that day but we found ourselves, making an impulsive purchase of a rice cooker all because there's a FREE all-in-one Epson Printer (scanner and copier too!) that comes with it. Rice cooker with FREE printer!!! offer is good while supplies last...
good deal isn't it?! argh!
BUT STILL, I wouldn't switch the Pinoy Christmas spirit for any items on sale in every corner of Singapore. I just remembered when I went home last October, the minute I stepped in the van (going to terminal 2 for my Bacolod flight) the song "Iba talaga ang pasko sa Pinas" suddenly played (as early as October!), as if it's been cued all along until I boarded the vehicle.
Anyway, I would rather just sit in front of this monitor and movie marathon the night away while sipping on my only immunity to alcohol (yeah, we got us a Chilean Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc)...not so fancy, I know but what the heck! right? it's the "what are we celebrating for" that counts and person next to you is what matters. Yeah, my present for 'le boyfriend is all prepped up, can't wait for tomorrow!
Of course, we will be chatting with mine and 'le boyfriend's family over Yahoo Messenger. sort of a virtual celebration...anyway, this is by far the simplest Christmas I've had. Nevertheless, I'm still blessed all throughout the year and that's something I should be toasting for tomorrow.
Cheers to everyone!!! and Happy Yuletide!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
source: from
Oh! I could very well recall how we all would give a sigh of relief once we hear that 9:00 am (which now on those hours I'm still not back from slumberland when there's an opportunity) bell. Recess time!
Erase! erase! erase!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A Slipperly Advice
Earlier today (errr...yesterday) while I was doing my usual start-the-weekend-by-cleaning routine, I was reminded about what happened to me three weeks ago.
I was closing the front door as I was leaving for work when something caught my eye in the shoe rack beside our front doorstep, my Gold-slim-purple-and-teal-stripped Havaianas. The left flop was half-contained in the rack, almost touching the floor while the right flop was well-situated on the spray painted bars of the shoe rack.
I don't know why I have to do it but I took a few precious seconds to glance at my summer companion then turned away and head to the lift. It was wierd because, it's been there all along since we moved here a couple of months ago. Everytime I leave for work, that thing don't usually catch my attention.
When I came back from work that night, I noticed Yana (yeah, I give names to my fave possesions...who doesn't?! who doesn't?!) wasn't there anymore and I thought maybe Kim (one of my flatmates) borrowed it, 'oh it's fine, I seldom use it these days anyway' I thought. Days after, still no sign of Yana on the shoe rack. That's when I became concerned, 'we (me and my flatmates) usually let each other know if we borrowed or used something important from someone'...(uh-oh! semi-panic mode!) so I told Eric about it. When he asked Joyce (our flatmate, who's also the main tenant) if they had a prior experience of their footwear disappearing outside the door and it was confirmed...someone stole Yana...was Yana saying goodbye that morning? was that the last time I'll ever see 'Yana'? why do I have to stare at her that long that morning?...suddenly, the thought sinked in...
...Wha?! I just got robbed! (some serious term huh?) (freakin') Singapore!...(rewind!) freakin' Singapore! This was the funny part. I wasn't focused on the thought that I lost my favorite Flip Flops, my old fading stripped Yana who was my ultimate companion (after Eric of course!) the entire summer this year...argh!
Back to the thought..."I got robbed in freakin Singapore!"...Yana got stolen in Singapore. I've been living in Manila for four years and never have I experienced being stolen from. Well, almost, my k500i Sony Ericsson (Homer...don't ask why this name!). I left Homer in the common area when I was still staying in Makati Pension but it was returned to me. The person who found it just "tucked" it away for a while. The point is I got my phone back. As for Yana, it's zero chances of me finding her again which means, I am being stolen from this time.
Good thing I took photos of her during our trip, at least, I will still get to see her (photo) every once in a while. Anyway, she was prettier in the picture as when I first spotted her on its Greenbelt 5 store.
Gold Yana, you will be remembered, from where you were stolen...
Okay! I admit it, I wasn't too trusting when I was in Manila and now I am (a bit). Ironically, on our office complex, I always pass by a huge tarp hanging by the hawker market saying "Low Crime, Doesn't Mean No Crime"
..."Definitely sooo TRUE!" (a famous line from 27 Dresses)...That's a lesson for me.
Thankfully! I brought my Pink Yana inside for a cleaning weeks before, or else I could have lost both. I'd rather loose the one I bought than the one given to me. The pink one was given to me by Eric's younger brother. He really took the time to call us when he was in Brazil and ask for our foot sizes. It's not a good impression for someone finding out that you don't take care of what they give you...another lesson for me right there!.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Stuck in The
I wanted to get this rendering done already, but this little Digital tool is more of a hassle than a help. Thus here I am ending up working on something else (this blog...shush!). Speaking of December, it's already the second day of the month! which means...29 days more and another year arrives (ooohhhh scary).That also implies another feat (ahem!...fear) to take which (so far) I don't know what. Travel plans too (this one I am looking forward!) though I also don't know where to.
I'm still not content with my 2009 itinerary though, I mean at least the travel plans have a draft, what about work?...opt for a higher responsibility? master's degree? what?...I don't know...(may day! may day!)...It's just that my year 2008 was quite a blast and I want my 2009 to be much better. I guess I just have to wait life is full of surprises anyway...