Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Thoughts...

Ahhhhhh....I can already smell the saturday morning soap suds on my laundry, woohoo! it's the weekend! Yeah, I'm gathering all my thoughts tonight 'coz it's been reeeeally long since I practiced my writing skills (hopefully it didin't die on me). Everything was just too hectic that I just didn't have the time to really sit down and make words out of this keyboard (sigh). Tomorrow  I'll be doing the usual stuff: laundry, cleanng up and do some self-pampering (to dye or not to dye...).

The past weeks (errrr months) has been pretty much intense. Thankfully, Someone's been watching over me and protecting me. Thus, I was able to get through things. I'm just missing home (surprisingly I miss Manila more than Bacolod). Now that Christmas is just around the corner, and the cool december air is begining to blow, I had a minor surge of homesickness. I missed Eastwood, the smell or Sumthin'Fishy Sisig, the buttered popcorn in the cinema. I missed all those smiling, irritated and sleepy faces inside the FX while being stuck in the traffic going to either Megamall, Galleria or Ayala. 

I can really say that the Filipino warmth (in the Philippines) is way different than anywhere else in the world (as far as I know). My pap and I chat (oh yeah! he's hooked with YM, his favorite icon, "BUZZ" haha!) almost everyday and he's been missing home too (a lot). But I guess knowing that you still have constant connection with your family lessens
homesickness. He and mama would go online as early as 9:00 or 9:30 and they would both  BUZZ me (while I'm at work) and ask "hi anak are you busy?" (shaking my head & smiling), and we would just talk about nothings and whatevers. Funny things in the family, bloopers, bad habits, basically everything! When I'm offline they would just say "ok anak, just concentrate on your work if you're busy" 

It's amazing how things turn out differently, as time flew by. The people whom you're used to be "scared" of (one way to put it) are now the ones you crack a joke at and even laugh with. I guess it goes with the adage, "we age like fine wine, the older it gets, the more fermented the taste becomes". It's really heartwarming knowing that you made your parents proud of you. That they are confident and happy of what you have and where you are.

Looking forward to be with 'Ma Famille' one of these days...okay! homesickness gone (poof!), time for a warm shower and lenghty sleep! nytie nyt....splash, splash, sprinkle, sprinkle.........Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....