Friday, July 31, 2009

Our "so-cold" life

if you complain that you do not have enough.
if you are whinning about how cruel life is.
if you are too passive to care for yourself
if you are simply oblivious to the wonderful things around you...
and if you have already given up and kept on giving up because of some circumstances then...

look at yourself in the mirror, count how many arms and legs you have then watch this video. what's up with all the complains, the whinning and all those things?...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thoughts from slumber

We did not endure life,

But is life who endured us - our human and selfish nature.
It unfailingly taught us things unimaginable for as long as we live.

When life itself surrenders only then we realize...

what we had. 
what it could have been.
what we should have done.
what we should have said. is always too late.
then we linger on the memory - memories
                                            ...for a while

...and so we move on
and the  overwhelming loss slips away
we never learn...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This is It.

I am never an MJ fan, ever. Though undeniably, his music has this "effect" on people. Yes please, count me in. It's just difficult to not like his songs and not stop from liking it each and everytime you listen to it.

My most favorite among his songs is the "Man in The Mirror". Surprisingly it was the finale of his memorial. Thus here I am, not letting go of that moment.

As the Man in the Mirror's intro is playing, I waited for that "hiccup" like I always do and...nothing...just the instruments. I was just hearing the instruments, staring at the microphone on spotlight in an empty stage with the silent and dispersing crowd. That was the emptiest, the most abandoned stage I have ever seen and the saddest music I have ever heard. It was a very awkward moment for the song and that's where I felt the "loss"

I will never get to hear that favorite song being sang live...ever.