Monday, March 8, 2010


Part of me always wanted to become a writer.

Which I eventually gave in to writing, as I thought, that it might work for me. Sadly, it didn't...never did. Though, if you ask me if it was a waste of time, I'll will straight away give you an N-O for an answer.
I was once a writer for my school paper and I somehow managed to sneak my name into the lifestyle pages of my hometown's local daily.

The first time I saw my name on the by-line that one particular sunday was probably like how Loius Sullivan felt when the Wainright building was considered as one the first skyscrappers in the world. I read my article over and over and over and over again that night. It felt great!

Little did I know, it was just the beginning of a fortunate accident. That's why I always love to look back at those little imperfect moments as it reminds me, how I got here. moments! cheers!

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