Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kopi, Curry, Briyani and Me.

Here we go! here we go!
Itineraries here we go!

-- "We missed trudging with Trudge while I'm on my Chucks, chuckling while dragging my dirty, dusty and muddy bag...and so the series of epic "trudging(s)" shall resume." --

First stop countdown here we go...tic toc tic toc tic toc!!!!

It'll be just right at our backyard.
Quickly, quickly hope to catch up with you sunny.
Beached, beachy, beaching no longer my thing.

Don't get me wrong!
Sandy, dandy, duney still is lovely.
Like those in Mali.

Though old, cold, moldy bricks
Now gives me the kick.

In the meantime let me just say,
Happy Deepavali!

Photos taken just this afternoon at Little India. I just have to drag myself there, hoping to spot a few opportunities to shoot.

Unfortunately, the smell of curries, briyanis and cutlets are everywhere, it was just too distracting (in a good way!). Long story short, the tongue ruled over art this time.

I "trudged" inside Taj Samudra (Rotti Prata here rocks!) while waiting for The Husband I pondered on the menu but my thoughts drifted away again (daydream ruled over the mind-ha!). Instead, I was reminded of our trip this weekend to Malaysia and our upcoming trip to Indonesia soon after but no so soon (duh?).

Evidently, the silly poem above is the (embarrassing) proof....ooooppps! thoughts driftng again....Namaste!


Unknown said...

the poem? silly enough for me to like it to bits! not to patronize you dear fellow blogger haha really it's cute. so you hehe

like reading your travelogues, daw ara man ko upod sa mga lagaw.

FRAN said...

Thanks ng Anne!!! I actually created a new blog solely dedicated to our trips....same account just diff URL:


wala pa unod...hehe! i'll start on the recent trip backwards for now