Friday, November 5, 2010

Where was I?

I was flipping through my passport yesterday after we arrived from Penggerang, and I saw three special dates on my passport stamps, I thought it would be nice to document this -- yeah maybe I should.

Sept. 11, 2009

- The Annual memorial of the 9/11 attack
- The Husband's birthday
- Our Engagement date

Jan 1, 2010
New Year's Day. I just started my year somewhere in the globe, and its nice to have it captured on one of the most important legal document you have. Wow, I just marked my year right!

Oct 10, 2010
Well, it's THE 10-10-10, this year's auspicious date. I was stranded in the sky for 3 boring hours and was travelling the whole day. Might not be a good way to spend this once in ones lifetime occurence but at least I got my passport stamped with it! Awesome!

Its funny how mundane things become special just because it was stamped and captured at the right moment at the right time....Interesting!


Unknown said...

i like the way you use the word mundane and made it sound so special anyway by observing the fact that they're stamped and that you actually blogged about them!

keep marking dates! they make life a lot more meaningful. especially if these dates are celebrated.

FRAN said...

Thanks Ng Anne! :)