Wednesday, March 2, 2011

...of Friendster and blogging

While browsing through a jobsite, a surge of nostalgia came to me. The fact that I have not updated my jobstreet account for ages definitely brings back a lot of memories. Who wouldn't?As my jobstreet profile shows this: 

Current employment: Ross System Int'l
Year: March 2004 - Present    
Position: Drafter

and my profile pic was this: 

                                                                 My oh my...

In the midst of these hilarious thoughts, I remembered a long lost forgotten friend. The good old Friendster so just for the heck of it, I did what I had to do (and I can hear it yelling at me "Finally! & Thank You!" when I hit "log-in"). It was like, seeing someone after a really long and distant hiatus from that person but you're glad to finally see him/her anyway. 

So there I was, browsing my old photos, my profile -- still "in a relationship" (which I of course updated to "married"), comments -- no new ones (of course!) and my blog. Yeah my 6-year relationship with the keyboard. Man, I have been blogging (on and off) for 6 years now. Not very long for some but six years is more than half and a stone's throw away from a decade. 

So just for the record here is  my "sensible (and at times not) thoughtlessness" my friendster blog link: 

 au revior

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