Monday, December 1, 2008

Stuck in The

11:09 a.m., Tuesday, 2nd December 2008, listening to "Clubbed to Death by Robert Dougan (Ministry of Sound Chillout Classic Album). I've been having a hard time, using this frustrating Photoshop Essentials (this is all my office can afford...pathetic I know...)

I wanted to get this rendering done already, but this little Digital tool is more of a hassle than a help. Thus here I am ending up working on something else (this blog...shush!). Speaking of December, it's already the second day of the month! which means...29 days more and another year arrives (ooohhhh scary).That also implies another feat (ahem!...fear) to take which (so far) I don't know what. Travel plans too (this one I am looking forward!) though I also don't know where to.
One thing's for sure though, Eric's brother and his wife will be coming over for the chinese New Year and then they'll make a detour and visit Siem Reap (hopefully Eric and I can tag along). And on either June or September, my parents will visit me here as soon as pap comes back from UB (Ulaan Bator) and we'll head off to KL.

I'm still not content with my 2009 itinerary though, I mean at least the travel plans have a draft, what about work?...opt for a higher responsibility? master's degree? what?...I don't know...(may day! may day!)...It's just that my year 2008 was quite a blast and I want my 2009 to be much better. I guess I just have to wait life is full of surprises anyway...

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